Recruiting workflow at Getslash
Human Resources or HR can be imagined as the Joker piece of the puzzle that fits everywhere: almost every company has someone working in HR or even a whole branch of recruiters – and so does Getslash.
And that is good because IT staff are extremely rare – and experienced applicants even more.
Digitalization is conquering the world, and the cruise lines recognize the potential in it: may it be the reservation in your favorite restaurant on board, the customization of your stateroom or providing a stable internet connection that doesn’t cut a hole in your wallet.
But where do you get all the employees from?
We’ve got our ingredients, and we’ve got the cooking pot that the company is to create something delicious with. But who is the cook?
That’s where HR steps in. The HR manager works as an interface between their company and the recruiters and/or the applicants. In agreement with the CEO, the directors of the different branches in the company and sometimes the team leads, HR management sets out in search of the right candidates to guide the company through both calm and stormy waters.
This is the way – but not the only one
Many paths lead to the goal – and there are correspondingly many ways for HR management to find the right personnel:
The classic – the job advertisement: Of course, job advertisements in 2024 will no longer be placed via offline or print media but will find their way online via specially created career pages of the searching company, for example. Nevertheless, the job advertisement is the linchpin of the HR department’s further work.
In consultation with management, department or team leaders, profile requirements are drawn up that are necessary for successful work at Getslash. Once the advertisement has been placed online on the website, interested candidates can apply in no time at all. The advantage: many applications come in. The disadvantage: there is no filter for the HR department and other people involved – the flood of applications pours in unchecked.
The route via recruiting companies or recruiters: Here, appropriately trained people contact the candidates directly. Recruiters for IT jobs usually have a portfolio that may well include a diamond in the rough. They therefore compare their portfolio with the requirements that the hiring company – in our case Getslash – has given them. Essentially, they refer to the job advertisements. Additional arrangements can be made at any time by e-mail or telephone. If there is a suitable candidate in their eyes, HR management is sent the corresponding profile. The advantage here is that the recruiters have already pre-selected the candidates. They only send their client the profiles that most closely match the descriptions in the job advertisements or the previously made agreements. What’s more, with most recruiting companies, the placement commission is only due if the candidate is hired. The disadvantage: this work has its price: the rule is 30-35 percent of the annual target salary of the placed candidate(s).
Social recruiting: A company that wants to be seen in today’s world can rarely avoid social recruiting. This involves placing job advertisements on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Interested parties click on these and – depending on the structure – are redirected to a short application quiz, for example. There they usually find out within 60 seconds whether the advertised vacancy is of interest to them. At the end, they can conveniently leave their contact details and upload documents such as their CV or references. The advantage: Candidates are more likely to click on such a social recruiting ad and apply via it because it takes significantly less time. The disadvantage: If there is no other recruiting partner involved who takes over social recruiting, the flood of applications is also completely unfiltered.
Job and training fairs and events: Another way to make your employer brand visible is through job and training fairs in the region. Ideally, the company should be represented at events in the target industry. Universities and technical colleges usually offer corresponding events. But companies and associations such as Hamburg Cruise Net e.V. also organize events such as the Maritime Business & Career Talk. There are also some companies that have specialized in this type of HR networking and offer such events – the Pitch Club Developer Edition is a good example. This series of events takes place in various cities and specifically addresses the frontend, backend, full stack and app development sectors. The company looking for a candidate also can present itself and its work. The advantage: Interested candidates can talk to the companies in person and the companies or HR managers can get an initial impression of the job seekers in advance. The disadvantage: Attending a job fair means a lot of effort – before, during and after. This is often not comparable with the benefits – i.e. that only a few people apply, even if you had the feeling that you were on the same wavelength during the first interview.
And these are just some of the ways in which a company finds suitable employees. For example, some of our colleagues get their new jobs through people who are already working at Getslash. So, it helps if you know someone who knows someone who is looking for a new job.
The benefits – separating the wheat from the chaff
Fruit basket? Fresh water? Friendly colleagues? An attractive salary? Boring but a matter of course! Unfortunately, there isn’t a company these days that doesn’t offer these benefits. So how do we attract jobseekers and stand out from the crowd of employers so that as many people as possible apply to us? With the benefits of working at Getslash, of course.
Of course, we also offer our employees fresh hot and cold drinks so that they don’t get left high and dry. At Getslash, we replace the fruit basket, the contents of which can be difficult to peel or impossible to snack on the side, with a candy bar. Just like in a kiosk, colleagues can put together their own candy bag from a variety of sweets. It brings back memories of your own school days, doesn’t it?
Of course, the colleagues at Getslash are all friendly and helpful. New employees are never left out in the cold and can turn to anyone in the Getslash crew at any time – be it a colleague or a supervisor. And team building doesn’t go unnoticed at Getslash either: we have a party twice a year – in summer, where partners and family can also join in, and at Christmas. But more on that later.
Getslash also gives you the opportunity to choose your own work equipment. The HR department then takes care of the procurement of a laptop, company cell phone, etc. after consultation with the new colleagues.
However, the fact that Getslash addresses salary in the benefits is justified: In individual discussions with candidates, salary issues are usually clarified during the job interview – and if the work is right, a salary increase, and career advancement may even be on the cards.
The past has shown us that a good work-life balance is becoming increasingly important to many employees. This is also one of the benefits of Getslash: Doctor’s appointment? Your child is sick? Car is damaged? No problem at all! Working hours can be freely scheduled if the target working hours are met.
Conclusion: Your input is essential for us to provide the best possible support
The bottom line is that working in HR management at Getslash involves a lot of face-to-face communication: be it in job interviews, with colleagues when it comes to resolving internal conflicts, or with recruiters and event organizers. In addition to the organizational skills mentioned above, it is also the ability to communicate that is at the core of the Getslash HR team’s work.
It’s particularly nice that no two working days are the same: every day, new tasks and unknown candidates are waiting for me, hoping for a job in the Getslash family. Would you also like to experience first-hand what it’s like to work in the IT cruise industry? We look forward to receiving your application – either for one of the advertised positions (https://www.getslash.de/career/get-a-job-at-getslash/) or on your own initiative.